Channel 9 Televida Redesign

Leading web development, design and video production teams for a news and live video platform.

About the project

Canal 9 Televida has been the leading TV channel in the Cuyo region of Argentina for more than 30 years. Its newscast regularly produces news and reports of national scope. The digital newsroom consists of 5 journalists and 4 video content generators.

In 2018/19, the need arose to update the website design to adapt it to the needs of the marketing and branding area. During the process, we worked with developers, editors, and metrics from Google Analytics, Comscore, and usability tests.

The requirements included the publication of a live streaming of the channel at certain times of the day and special events, which was managed from the backend with a scheduling system. We also had to include general interest services and the ability to show the channel’s shows schedule depending on the time (current and upcoming programs, as well as the weekly schedule).

The website was oriented by strategic decisions towards entertainment, TV marketing and fast consumption content, usually accompanied by video content.

Some design highlights

Dynamic content: The existence of a live TV block should allow the user to navigate through the site while being able to take a look at the live TV broadcast, which is the core of the company. For this, we designed an element under the header with a non-intrusive player, which accompanied the scroll and could be closed or re-enabled

Another dynamic element is related to the TV shows marketing elements on the site, being able to be a user trigger to the offline TV shows that were being broadcasted at the moment and the next programs. This allows integration with the TV channel with content that could not be broadcast live due to copyright reasons. This action generated an increase of 5% in TV viewing.

The mobile version was adapted to a third-party system based on PWA, performance-oriented, so for technical reasons, we made an adaptation of desktop sections and blocks to a fixed layout for the mobile version.



Navigation and Layout (video)

Some positive results